Solar technician showcasing tablet with inspection app

The software for photovoltaic inspection and maintenance

With TabTool PV O&M, you can plan and document maintenance and servicing tasks for photovoltaic systems on one platform. Gain better oversight and streamline processes for increased efficiency.

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These companies already trust TabTool:


The rapid growth of photovoltaic installations and the increasing aging of existing solar power plants pose challenges for providers of photovoltaic inspection & maintenance services: With heightened requirements, it is crucial to reliably manage a growing number of projects without compromising quality. TabTool PV O&M helps you overcome these challenges. Developed in collaboration with plant operators, this cloud-based software structures and standardizes the processes of inspection, maintenance and upkeep using digital workflows.


With TabTool PV O&M, project managers can centrally manage the maintenance and upkeep of all PV systems in their portfolio.

TabTool PV O&M consolidates all site-related information, establishes interconnections through linkages, and provides a unified information base for all stakeholders in project management and field service.

Maintaining and analyzing system data

With TabTool PV O&M, you can digitally map the technical hierarchy of a photovoltaic power plant, from the transformer to inverters, modules, and even individual cables. TabTool links the plant components with the maintenance and repair operations carried out on them, allowing for targeted analysis of this data.

Collecting data from the field

In TabTool PV O&M, you can document all field operations data in one place. This creates a complete, well-structured inspection and maintenance history. You can use this data on faults, defects, and their resolutions to plan maintenance and repair measures even more efficiently.


Previously, creating reports often meant completing the inspection on-site and then spending time at the desk to compile the inspection reports and photos into a presentable document.

With TabTool PV O&M, it's different. Service technicians enter all data and photos directly into the TabTool app during their inspection or maintenance tasks on-site. Once the on-site visit is completed, a simple click is all it takes to generate a report. Instead of spending time at the desk, the O&M field service team can focus on more site visits, where their expertise is most needed: on the photovoltaic installations.

Convenient Digital Forms

When an O&M professional is assigned a work order through the TabTool app, such as for an inspection, maintenance, or repair, they receive the corresponding digital form for documentation. This form includes a job description and all necessary checkpoints, ensuring that nothing is overlooked during the execution of the task.

Automatically generate a list of defects

Capture defects with details such as severity, affected components, and recommended actions in a digital defect record. Use GPS tags or plan markings to locate the affected areas of the facility and upload photos of the damages. TabTool automatically integrates all defects into your inspection report.

Here's what our customers have to say.

"We have all the photos and information regarding orders and issues stored centrally in TabTool, and we can generate evaluations and reports with just a click, which otherwise would have to be done manually using Excel or other programs. This saves us a lot of time in our daily work."

Sven Kaelke, Quality expert at ENERPARC Service GmbH

Read customer success story


"Operators create guided maintenance and inspection processes with TabTool PV O&M, making error-free data collection easy - thanks to digital forms with customizable fields and individually editable checklists. Provide your PV field service team with a customized inspection protocol for each PV system and performance point. PV service technicians can access these digital inspection and measurement protocols on a tablet or smartphone and fill them out on the go."

Collaborate seamlessly

As a cloud software, TabTool PV O&M synchronizes data in real-time, ensuring that all project team members have the same information regardless of their location. Whether it's the project management team in the office or the service technicians on-site, everyone can access and share information without any delays, enabling seamless communication of information and work orders.

The app is also usable offline

The photovoltaic system you are maintaining or inspecting is located in an area with poor network coverage? No problem, the data you capture in the field for the inspection or maintenance report won't be lost! The TabTool app stores the data offline until the next cloud synchronization.


Digital forms specifically designed for inspection and maintenance activities at photovoltaic power plants enable service technicians to receive and process orders on a mobile device. The digitally transmitted orders contain all the information needed for a paperless inspection of photovoltaic systems, such as location and wiring diagrams, data sheets, and manuals for the installed components. With all the information at hand, tasks can usually be completed with a single on-site visit.

Find information quickly

The structured storage of data and a process-oriented user guidance make it easy to find the necessary information and ensure fast work with just a few clicks.

Keep Your Data safe

Through user roles with different access rights, you ensure that project participants can only see and edit information that is relevant and approved for them.

Get to Know TabTool PV

Curious to explore our software firsthand? Wondering how TabTool PV can streamline your company's processes with its powerful features? Dive into our online demo for an immersive experience and discover the potential for efficiency enhancement!


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Efficiently Plan Inspections and Maintenance

Not every alarm from the PV monitoring indicates a safety or performance-related issue. However, the causes of deviations in system values are often only determinable on-site. To efficiently plan the deployments of your field service teams, you can easily collect anomalies that do not require immediate intervention in TabTool PV O&M until the next scheduled inspection or maintenance appointment for a photovoltaic system. We make sure that you'll always keep track on all of the tasks!

Streamline On-Site Service

In a site visit planner, TabTool PV O&M displays all open orders for a project. You can add these by drag-and-drop from the order list to create meaningful service packages for on-site appointments.

Stay on Top of Appointments

Through the TabTool Calendar, project participants can manage their schedules and get an overview of when tasks need to be completed. By syncing the TabTool Calendar with your personal calendar, you'll receive reminders on your smartphone for project appointments.